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Our Mission

ACLENet is dedicated to decreasing deaths, injuries and property damage from lightning.

With your help, we can save lives and make a difference. 

See the newest school completed - Mulabana Primary School in Gallery of Schools protected by Donors like you.

ACLENet's Impact

  • Database of Lightning Injuries for

    41 African countries

  • Schools Protected
    Schools Protected


  • Students and Teachers Protected

    over 16,000

Lightning kills in many ways

Newspaper Reports

Most Africans have no 'lightning safe' place they can go to when thunderstorms occur. 

In the US, we say 'When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors' but that is the WRONG thing to say in sub-Saharan Africa where nearly 90% of the dwelling are made of sheet metal or mud brick with roofs of generations-old, tinder dry thatch or metal sheets held down by rocks and tires in the mistaken belief that the 'rubber' tires will protect from lightning strikes.

Even when people move to the city in search of employment, they will often live in 'shantytowns' like Soweto, South Africa, for many years before they can establish themselves and afford better housing.

For those in rural areas, lightning can cause a temporary paralysis that can prevent even the healthiest people from escaping their homes, resulting in death as parts of the burning thatch roof falls on them. There are many news reports in developing countries of neighbors responding to screams but being unable to rescue their friends due to the intensity of the lightning ignited fire.


Soweto township South Africa, Photo courtesy Derek Elsom
Zambia countryside, courtesy Mary Ann Cooper
Uganda Countryside 2018, photo Mary Ann Cooper
Uganda Countryside 2018, photo Mary Ann Cooper

Uganda Countryside 2018, photo Mary Ann Cooper

  • A lightning protection system was installed at Nkurungiro School in 2017 following many deaths from lightning in the community.

    The Head Teacher writes:
    - Our children are now studying very well without fear when it rains.
    - The community around are no longer fearing to take shelter at our school; in fact, if it rains they all want to take shelter there because our place has been known as safer place due to your systems.

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