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ACLENet education partners and programs during Covid-19

FREE programs on Lightning Protection, Research ideas and more

Covid-19 has given lightning safety advocacy programs around the world an opportunity to work together to provide FREE virtual meetings on International Lightning Safety Day, lightning protection, safety education, research topics, and more.  

  • Program and Link -- Zoom Meeting -- ,
    Meeting ID: 961 8730 1555, Passcode: 178799
    Draft Schedule available at the title link above

  • South Asian Lightning Network (SALNet) was founded 14 September 2019.
    This conference celebrates the second anniversary with Keynotes from Dr Colin Price and Mitchell Guthrie followed by a panel discussion with some of the world's experts on lightning and lightning safety.
    For a PDF of the program with link to join, click on the greenish title above these words.

  • This webinar gathered attendees from all over the world : 41 countries were represented !
    Lightning activists from all continents shared their practices in awareness campaigns, that you can still discover by clicking 'Commemorating ILSD2021' above
    Organised by Meteorage from Europe, this webinar included the participation of the World Meteorological Organisation

  • A FREE virtual conference on 27-28 May to mark and prepare for 28 June 2021, International Lightning Safety Day (ILSD) 2021, the tenth anniversary of the Runyanya Disaster where 18 children were killed and 38 hospitalized from one lightning strike to their school. This event catalyzed ACLENet's formation.
    Together with ALPER and SALNet, ACLENet has planned this networking and training conference for the more than 15 programs that have sprung up since 2011 in countries around the world.
    All concerned people are welcome to attend - click the title above for program and registration information.

  • The Caribbean Meteorological Organization (CMO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) presented a virtual symposium to share information on lightning and its impacts, lightning safety education and awareness, lightning injuries and injury prevention, the science of lightning, monitoring of lightning, forecast applications, and lightning as an essential climate variable. Program and PPT's available (click on the greenish conference title above)

  • South Africa is one of the worldwide pioneers in lightning research, starting nearly a century ago. This two day conference has a fascinating review of the history of how lightning research developed there by two of the pioneers discussing their work in the 1940-50's as well as other respected speakers. The recording of the conference is available by clicking the title above.

  • This conference came about because of the many questions on research questions and opportunities we received during and after the seminars we have given over the last several months (see below). The faculty for this program are internationally known researchers across the spectrum of lightning who donated their time and expertise to highlight aspects of lightning research to investigate for undergraduates, graduate students and young faculty who wish to expand their research activities. The Q&A sessions at the end of both days are among the most interesting, giving information on programs, fellowships, study opportunities, clarifying other questions and many other insights. ZOOM conferences during Covid-19 have allowed us to reach hundreds of students, engineers, and others who would never have been able to travel to attend international meetings to interact with the experts who have given their time. Students commented, 'After the desert of Covid, you have given us the opportunity to see and hear the researchers who are writing the papers we read for our research. Thank You!'
    Zoom Link to Day 1 Recording -
    Zoom Link to Day 2 Recording -

  • Organized by Brac and Ekattor Television, Dr Akm Saiful Islam, from Bangladesh, discussed myths, causes, lightning detection, climate change impact, building awareness, public safety education, instalation of lightning protection systems including building Lightning Shelters, treatments of lightning injured, role of Govt and NGOs and media, Lightning Safety Drill, and many other issues.

  • A one day seminar on lightning protection of buildings including surge protection was put on by ZaCLIR (the Zambia Center for Lightning Information and Research) and SALNet (the South Asia Lightning Network).

  • On October 10, - Need VERY SHORT description, and affiliations you wish to have listed.

  • June 28 marks the day in 2011 when 178 children were killed and 38 others sent to the hospital with lightning injuries. Lightning safety programs around the world met this year to raise awareness of injuries in their countries as well as discuss how to gather data, increase their effectiveness and enhance their lightning safety education programs. Over 70 people participated from more than a dozen countries on 4 continents.

  • The National Lightning Safety Council (USA) is an outgrowth of the US NOAA Lightnng Safety Week (LSW - 2001-15). The NLSC website has a wealth of videos on lightning science and safety, statistics on USA lightning fatalities and many more features. LSW 2020 led up to International Lightning Safety Day, 28 June 2020.

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